Se tine scai de mine in ultima vreme...:)
living my soul...wild.
sâmbătă, 29 septembrie 2012
duminică, 18 septembrie 2011
marți, 3 mai 2011
My Life in Art
Wendy gets high for the 2nd show
I watch her dance and I watch her flow for a dollar
She dreams of Vegas and the desert strips
Where she can dance and she can make a lot of money
She left her home in a pick-up truck
Left her husband when he beat her up
And now she works all night
But the Kansas wind won't freeze her heart
No, the rain just rolls right off her back
She's gonna be alright
Just tell me 'bout the boulevards
Tell me 'bout your life in art
Yeah, tell me 'bout the boulevards
Because Europe always seemed so far
You look so young and you talk so old
Listen up, babe, I just might take you home if you're lucky
You read some books and they broke your heart
But you don't know one thing about life
You're just a pretty boy
And these bums on the corner will take your time
Sell you their stories for a nickel and a dime
You could learn something
And she stares so hard at those neon lights
I swear to god she's gonna bust them up
She's gonna bust them up
Just tell me 'bout the boulevards
Tell me 'bout your life in art
Yeah, tell me 'bout the boulevards
Because Europe always seemed so far
She laughs as she lights a cigarette
Throws her arms around my neck
She says "I'll kill you"
"I'll kill you just for trying"
"'Cause you don't even have the money"
"You don't have the money"
"Just buy me a drink and we'll call it quits"
"Tell me all about your pretty boy face"
sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011
Walk on by
I heard that you're leavin - this sleepy little town
The bright lights must have caught your eye cuz you ain't hangin' round
Ya know people been talkin' - they say you're makin' a mistake
Gotta get on that greyhound and forget about what they say
Just walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by
I've heard bad things about the city and i'm told that they're true
Better watch out for those guys out there they're gonna hit on you
So don't talk to no strangers - no it ain't your style
Don't give up when the chips are down - just turn around and smile
Just walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by - ya walk on
You're old enough to know why - you're old enough to know why
[ From: ]
Now you're standing at the station - got a ticket in your hand
Guess you got you're mind made up - gotta get out while you can
Don't say I never told ya - now the rest is up to you
Those streets can be like a battlefield - when it's hard to make it thru...
Just walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by
Walk on by - walk on by
You're a little bit lonely you're a little bit shy
Just walk on by
Walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by
Walk on by - walk on by
You're a little bit lonely you're a little bit shy
Just walk on by
I heard that you're leavin - this sleepy little town
The bright lights must have caught your eye cuz you ain't hangin' round
Ya know people been talkin' - they say you're makin' a mistake
Gotta get on that greyhound and forget about what they say
Just walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by
I've heard bad things about the city and i'm told that they're true
Better watch out for those guys out there they're gonna hit on you
So don't talk to no strangers - no it ain't your style
Don't give up when the chips are down - just turn around and smile
Just walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by - ya walk on
You're old enough to know why - you're old enough to know why
[ From: ]
Now you're standing at the station - got a ticket in your hand
Guess you got you're mind made up - gotta get out while you can
Don't say I never told ya - now the rest is up to you
Those streets can be like a battlefield - when it's hard to make it thru...
Just walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by
Walk on by - walk on by
You're a little bit lonely you're a little bit shy
Just walk on by
Walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by
Walk on by - walk on by
You're a little bit lonely you're a little bit shy
Just walk on by
duminică, 13 martie 2011
sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010
Old times
De multe ori trecusem pe langa galeria de arta Buigas pana cand m-am hotarat in sfarsit sa intru. Sa analizez minunatele picturi, sa descopar secretul artistilor si sa ma regasesc.Cu un zambet placut si o scuza ca tocmai schimbau tablourile pentru o alta expozitie, doamna m-a invitat sa vizitez expozitia. Tabouri foarte frumoase ce mi-au starnit amintiri si multe trairi. Priveam indelung fiecare pictura in parte cand Lucas, proprietarul galeriei s-a apropiat incet sa ma intrebe daca imi plac tablourile.Nu ma asteptam sa fie atat de amabil. Mi-a oferit un catalog dorind chiar sa-mi trimita prin posta urmatoarele aparitii. Doar un e-mail si totul se rezolva.
Am ramas placut impresionata atat de gest cat si de discutia pe care am avut-o.M-a felicitat pentru nivelul de spaniola pe care il am, dorindu-si si el sa isi perfectioneze nivelul de limba engleza. Mi-a spus ca ii pare rau ca nu a pastrat legatura cu un pictor roman pe care il cunoscuse si care traise multi ani aici...Aici sufletul meu s-a linistit...Un om care nu avea cuvinte urate despre romani.
Lucas scrie poezii si tatal sau picteaza.El nu picteaza din teama ca nu se poate ridica la nivelul tatalui-Cayetano de Arquer Buigas.Aveam sa aflu cine e tatal si cine a fost familia lui abia cand am ajuns acasa, multumita de o astfel de experienta.Unchiul sau a proiectat fantanile din Montjuic-Barcelona si strabunicul -Monumento a Colon unde statuia lui Cristofor Columb vegheaza portul Barcelonei...
Iar tatal a pictat tablourile din filmuletul de mai jos.:)
Cu siguranta voi include galeria de arta Buigas pe lista mea de locuri preferate de vizitat si de regasit linistea.
Am ramas placut impresionata atat de gest cat si de discutia pe care am avut-o.M-a felicitat pentru nivelul de spaniola pe care il am, dorindu-si si el sa isi perfectioneze nivelul de limba engleza. Mi-a spus ca ii pare rau ca nu a pastrat legatura cu un pictor roman pe care il cunoscuse si care traise multi ani aici...Aici sufletul meu s-a linistit...Un om care nu avea cuvinte urate despre romani.
Lucas scrie poezii si tatal sau picteaza.El nu picteaza din teama ca nu se poate ridica la nivelul tatalui-Cayetano de Arquer Buigas.Aveam sa aflu cine e tatal si cine a fost familia lui abia cand am ajuns acasa, multumita de o astfel de experienta.Unchiul sau a proiectat fantanile din Montjuic-Barcelona si strabunicul -Monumento a Colon unde statuia lui Cristofor Columb vegheaza portul Barcelonei...
Iar tatal a pictat tablourile din filmuletul de mai jos.:)
Cu siguranta voi include galeria de arta Buigas pe lista mea de locuri preferate de vizitat si de regasit linistea.
marți, 12 octombrie 2010
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EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER.So throw off the bowlines!Sail away from the safe harbour!