Ce mai ascult in ultima vreme...
duminică, 27 decembrie 2009
duminică, 20 decembrie 2009
L-am gasit pe un site tare dragut asa ca l-am preluat si eu -aici
Admir oamenii care isi traiesc pasiunile si depasesc barierele pentru indeplinirea viselor, care nu renunta cu una cu doua si care fac ca fiecare traire sa prinda viata in sufletul lor si sa o tina aprinsa...
Asa ca va doresc pentru noul an si nu numai, sa depasiti cat mai multe obstacole si sa faceti cat mai multi pasi spre visele voastre.
Admir oamenii care isi traiesc pasiunile si depasesc barierele pentru indeplinirea viselor, care nu renunta cu una cu doua si care fac ca fiecare traire sa prinda viata in sufletul lor si sa o tina aprinsa...
Asa ca va doresc pentru noul an si nu numai, sa depasiti cat mai multe obstacole si sa faceti cat mai multi pasi spre visele voastre.
marți, 1 decembrie 2009
luni, 30 noiembrie 2009
duminică, 27 septembrie 2009
island for 2
The White Buffalo-Love Song
And I's on an island, an island for one
Burning my eyes staring at the sun, staring at the sun
And I's always silent, well had of gone deaf and dumb
I feel like a loser cause i never won, but I never won
'Til you blew in just like paper in the wind
And I just wanted something to believe in
And I just want to be your man, your friend
Carry on with you right down to the very end
Oh I'm with you
Oh I'm with you
And I's always diving, diving under the gun
Well holding on to nothing, holding onto some, well holding onto some
And I's always striving, but I'm left undone
Countin the days but the lonely dont lye, they get up and they run
'Til you blew in just like paper in the wind
Well I just wanted somethin to believe in
And I just want you on my arm, every limb
Carry on with you right down to the bitter end
Oh I'm with you
Oh I'm with you
Oh I'm with you
And I's on an island, an island for one
Burning my eyes staring at the sun, staring at the sun
And I's always silent, well had of gone deaf and dumb
I feel like a loser cause i never won, but I never won
'Til you blew in just like paper in the wind
And I just wanted something to believe in
And I just want to be your man, your friend
Carry on with you right down to the very end
Oh I'm with you
Oh I'm with you
And I's always diving, diving under the gun
Well holding on to nothing, holding onto some, well holding onto some
And I's always striving, but I'm left undone
Countin the days but the lonely dont lye, they get up and they run
'Til you blew in just like paper in the wind
Well I just wanted somethin to believe in
And I just want you on my arm, every limb
Carry on with you right down to the bitter end
Oh I'm with you
Oh I'm with you
Oh I'm with you
marți, 7 iulie 2009
on the road

Totul a inceput aici... pe cand visam sa ajung in varf de Bedeleu si urmaream cu nesat prin ochii binoclului stancile superbe.Stateam pe prispa casutei si ascultam pana tarziu in noapte vantul in brazi sau mergeam la "locul meu" si ghemuita in iarba, degustam flori de salcam...sunt doar cateva din amintirile frumoase de copil care ma cam rascolesc de o vreme incoace...asa ca m-am pus pe treaba, manata de dorul de duca.
Cred ca am avut dorul de duca din totdeauna...microbul asta ce nu-ti da pace.Mi-am dorit sa vad si sa traiesc atmosfera locurilor noi cam de cand am invatat pentru prima data pozitia continentelor pe glob:) parca ma vad si acum stand pe jos in apartamenului vecinei...am facut cunostinta pentru prima data...asa a urmat pasiunea mea pentru geografie, in special pentru geomorfologie...si multe altele.
"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page"
mi-am propus cat mai multe calatorii.in ultima vreme am incercat sa recuperez timpul pierdut departe de unul din visele mele.am inceput timid- cu o excursie pe Vladeasa cu copii, am continuat la Vadu Crisului si Pestera Vantului; a urmat apoi tabara de la Suncuius, cu activitati de aventura;)TSA, escalada, via ferrata si jocuri cat cuprinde:)
"Just don't give up on trying to do what you really want(ed) to do.Where there is love and inspiration , I don't think you can go wrong." Ella Fitzgerald
to be continued...cu poze evident;)
luni, 25 mai 2009
vineri, 15 mai 2009
the catcher in the rye
". . . . I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff—I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all."
to be continued...
to be continued...
luni, 4 mai 2009
wrap around your dreams
"Now here we go again
You say you want your freedom
Well who I am to keep you down
It's only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat...drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost
And what you had
And what you lost
Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say women they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
It's only me
Who wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness
Like a heartbeat...drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost
What you had
And what you lost
Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say women they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know."
(The Corrs-Dreams)
You say you want your freedom
Well who I am to keep you down
It's only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat...drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost
And what you had
And what you lost
Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say women they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
It's only me
Who wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness
Like a heartbeat...drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost
What you had
And what you lost
Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say women they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know."
(The Corrs-Dreams)
sâmbătă, 7 martie 2009
Arieseni 2009
Am inceput anul cu multe dorinte si planuri: multe ore de munca, participat la cursuri,cunoscut oameni frumosi cu pasiuni frumoase,zambit mai mult (in ciuda unora care isi fac planuri disperate incercand sa te faca sa simti gustul unei zile ce promite nervi, plictis si discutii inutile...despre vreme-"prietenii" stiu de ce!!!;)
Iaca am ajuns si la Arieseni. Am invatat si sa schiez ca doar visam de o buna bucata de vreme.Peisaje deosebite,multa veselie.Ziua a inceput promitator.O ceata groasa acoperea partia.Eu mi-am facut curaj si mi-am inchiriat niste schiuri.A fost o experienta deosebita.Alex, fiul proprietarului de la pensiunea Casa Matei, sat Izlaz, a avut bunavointa si rabdarea sa ma initieze.A avut de furca cu incapatanarea mea, dar, care,pana la urma a cedat adrenalinei;)Asa ca am facut niste ture, evident, de pe la jumatatea partiei, asa ca la inceput;)si sa nu uitam si turele cu schiurile in spate;)iaca dovada ca e chiar de chiar.

si iata si pensiunea -inca nu au pagina web dar promite multe. Asa ca va recomand calduros sa treceti pe acolo.Un loc superb!

si nu in ultimul rand, peisajele superbe:

Iaca am ajuns si la Arieseni. Am invatat si sa schiez ca doar visam de o buna bucata de vreme.Peisaje deosebite,multa veselie.Ziua a inceput promitator.O ceata groasa acoperea partia.Eu mi-am facut curaj si mi-am inchiriat niste schiuri.A fost o experienta deosebita.Alex, fiul proprietarului de la pensiunea Casa Matei, sat Izlaz, a avut bunavointa si rabdarea sa ma initieze.A avut de furca cu incapatanarea mea, dar, care,pana la urma a cedat adrenalinei;)Asa ca am facut niste ture, evident, de pe la jumatatea partiei, asa ca la inceput;)si sa nu uitam si turele cu schiurile in spate;)iaca dovada ca e chiar de chiar.

si iata si pensiunea -inca nu au pagina web dar promite multe. Asa ca va recomand calduros sa treceti pe acolo.Un loc superb!
si nu in ultimul rand, peisajele superbe:

duminică, 8 februarie 2009
climbing the peaks of motivation
E duminica.Ce bine e pentru cei ce se relaxeaza!Not me! Iar trebuie sa muncesc.Imi fac temele cun constiinciozitate maxima.Ma pregatesc de...catarari;)Sau mai bine spus, de pus in genunchi in fata elevilor, incercand sa ii conving ca sunt lucruri frumoase in lumea asta, sa le deschid sufletul spre...ufff.Ce sper io la catarari!Poftim tupeu!!Adica ce trebuie exact sa fac? Sa ridic nivelul motivational situat la piciorusul broscutei ce se tolaneste in balta din curtea scolii;)
maine o sa le vorbesc despre Matterhorn. Abia astept!
"Climbing is our life!" Lectia pe maine.E un titlu superb.Sunt atatea de povestit.Of course,in English!mai mult sau mai putin:D
So... let's rock around the clock!!!
maine o sa le vorbesc despre Matterhorn. Abia astept!
"Climbing is our life!" Lectia pe maine.E un titlu superb.Sunt atatea de povestit.Of course,in English!mai mult sau mai putin:D
So... let's rock around the clock!!!
marți, 3 februarie 2009
YOU shouldn't do this...and this...and that
Sa ma prezint sa nu uit si eu cine sunt.Nu de alta dar ar fi bine sa uit;)
My name is.....and I am an English tea...ouch.Si aici incep creioanele, bucatele de creta si cuvintele incurajatoare sa zboare in directia mea.
Nu.Sunt numarator titular de tulei de porumb.Nu ma pricep sa numar boboci si apoi sa ii invat sa zboare.Tot ce fac e sa numar diplomele, adeverintele, sa le adun frumos in dosar.Stiu si sa numar creditele la sfarsit de an.
"Ai fost la curs?"
A, ba nu.
"Ti-ai facut creditele?cate ai pana acum? Ceeee, iara trebe sa merg la cursuri?Iara vor astia sa ne (de)formeze? Sa pierdem vremea?"
Poftim dracie, nu te intreaba nimeni cum inveti copii sa zboare, cum esti alaturi de ei si cum ii pregatesti pentru viata(Asta nu.Tot ce vad in fata ochilor sunt credite, diplome, adeverinte. Stuff like that!Fara sa munceasca!Daca s-ar putea.
Am fost la curs.Doua zile.Foarte frumos si bine construit!Tot felul de activitati!Fara credite!!!Doar atmosfera placuta si oameni cu dorinta de a acumula trairi si experiente frumoase!As fi dorit sa devin copil din nou!Ne-am distrat grozav,cantand, mimand,spunand poezii, like the little ones do!S-au oferit tot felul de solutii la diferite probleme...pentru mine e frumos, dar trist at the same time.De ce? La multe cursuri nu se ofera solutii de profunzime;vorbim despre aceleasi probleme dar oferim aceleasi solutii.Le stim cu totii din teorie, din cartile citite.But something is missing!
Some things can be done and some thing cannot be done!
you should do this....you shouldn't do that...mda.
I've heard it before! Tell me something I don't know!!
Si iaca asa, cea mai draguta chestie pe care am invatat-o(sper sa ma tin de asta- o sa si vedeti de ce) a fost un cantecel tare dragut:Flowers are red"
Fiti atenti la versuri si luati aminte!!!!
My name is.....and I am an English tea...ouch.Si aici incep creioanele, bucatele de creta si cuvintele incurajatoare sa zboare in directia mea.
Nu.Sunt numarator titular de tulei de porumb.Nu ma pricep sa numar boboci si apoi sa ii invat sa zboare.Tot ce fac e sa numar diplomele, adeverintele, sa le adun frumos in dosar.Stiu si sa numar creditele la sfarsit de an.
"Ai fost la curs?"
A, ba nu.
"Ti-ai facut creditele?cate ai pana acum? Ceeee, iara trebe sa merg la cursuri?Iara vor astia sa ne (de)formeze? Sa pierdem vremea?"
Poftim dracie, nu te intreaba nimeni cum inveti copii sa zboare, cum esti alaturi de ei si cum ii pregatesti pentru viata(Asta nu.Tot ce vad in fata ochilor sunt credite, diplome, adeverinte. Stuff like that!Fara sa munceasca!Daca s-ar putea.
Am fost la curs.Doua zile.Foarte frumos si bine construit!Tot felul de activitati!Fara credite!!!Doar atmosfera placuta si oameni cu dorinta de a acumula trairi si experiente frumoase!As fi dorit sa devin copil din nou!Ne-am distrat grozav,cantand, mimand,spunand poezii, like the little ones do!S-au oferit tot felul de solutii la diferite probleme...pentru mine e frumos, dar trist at the same time.De ce? La multe cursuri nu se ofera solutii de profunzime;vorbim despre aceleasi probleme dar oferim aceleasi solutii.Le stim cu totii din teorie, din cartile citite.But something is missing!
Some things can be done and some thing cannot be done!
you should do this....you shouldn't do that...mda.
I've heard it before! Tell me something I don't know!!
Si iaca asa, cea mai draguta chestie pe care am invatat-o(sper sa ma tin de asta- o sa si vedeti de ce) a fost un cantecel tare dragut:Flowers are red"
Fiti atenti la versuri si luati aminte!!!!
duminică, 1 februarie 2009
"riders on the storm"
... intebari imi staruie in minte de mult timp.Ce sentimente, trairi incearca alpinistii ce stau suspendati intr-un cort lipit de o stanca? Oare cum e sa te trezesti dimineata si la un ceai sa privesti rasaritul, suspendat deasupra unui vid?
de cateva zile privesc in nestire pe youtube si nu ma satur...sa simti adrenalina alergandu-ti in vene...dor de duca...peisaje absolut superbe...
de cateva zile privesc in nestire pe youtube si nu ma satur...sa simti adrenalina alergandu-ti in vene...dor de duca...peisaje absolut superbe...
marți, 27 ianuarie 2009
feel like...
Incomplete Lullaby
Like a turning head
Like a second look
Like a burning leaf of an open book
Like a pounding sea
Like a messy crime
When your eyes first met with mine
Like a broken word
Like a tragic smile
Like a thousand steps or a single mile
Like a lonely chance
Like a savage glow
When you turned and said hello
I was just about to call
There were flowers on the ceiling
You left me feeling
Like a fading voice
Like a closing door
Like a dozen lies and a dozen more
Like a twisted tongue
Like distant bike
When we broke out in the dark
The stars looked like burning sparks
The lights were warm but chilling
You left me feeling
Could not close my eyes
On fire
But frozen inside
To run or to hide
Speechless my words could not melt
Whisper I wanted to shout
With out you I felt
Like a fleeting thought
Like a double eight
Like a gentle fear of a warming taste
Like a placid breath
Like a cooling blow
When you stopped and held me close
Inside I nearly froze
Your touch is almost healing
You left me feeling
Could not close my eyes
On fire
But frozen inside
To run or to hide
Speechless my words could not melt
Whisper I wanted to shout
With out you I felt
Like a setting sun
Like a last goodbye
Like an incomplete lullaby
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EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER.So throw off the bowlines!Sail away from the safe harbour!